In configuring the print settings, I specified margins to ensure proper formatting. However, I noticed that the margin adjustment only applies to the first page. I need

I have a method that retrieves margin top value from the backend. It works perfectly on the first page of print, but on the second page, the margin top space is missing.

initializePrintingSettings() {
this.printService.fetchPrintSettings().subscribe(response => {
  if (response["status"] && response["data"].length > 0) {
    this.printSettings = response["data"][0];
    this.printSettings["margins"] =
      this.printSettings["margins"].split(",").join("cm ") + "cm";

Additionally, I've created the following print function:

  '<body style="margin:' +
  this.printSettings["margins"] +
  '" onload="window.print();window.close();">'

Answer №1

To set custom margins for each page, use the code below:

        @page {
            size: auto;
            margin: ' + this.printSettings["margins"];+
   <body onload="window.print();window.close();">'

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