Stop SCSS from processing CSS variables in Angular-CLI

I am currently using Angular5 with sass v1.3.2.

My goal is to dynamically change a color that is widely used in the scss files of my single page app without having to recompile new files.

This color is globally defined in my _variables.css as:

$brand: #123123;

For instance, it is utilized like this:

h1 {
    color: $brand;

Upon researching, I discovered that I can alter the color if CSS variables are used, for example:

:root {
    --brand: #123123

#JS'--brand', '#456456');
# OR
document.querySelector(':root').style.setProperty('--brand', '#456456');

But to achieve this using SCSS, I had to utilize the css-vars mixin as follows:

$brand: #123123;

:root {
  @include css-vars((
    --brand: #{$brand},

And then utilize it like so:

h1 {
    color: var(--brand);

However, two issues arose:

  • Even after these steps, --brand wasn't visible at root.
  • In addition, the CSS generated in <script type="text/css"> by angular-cli did not contain --brand anywhere; instead, it compiled the CSS variable into #123123, resulting in:

    h1 { color: #123123; }

Do you have any suggestions on how to successfully modify a global color at runtime? Or perhaps how to place my CSS within :root and prevent SASS from compiling it?


As demonstrated by @JonUleis, using css-var is unnecessary. Now, the variable --brand appears in the DOM under :root.

However, the line color: var(--brand); still does not show up in the CSS, causing h1 to lack a color style entirely.

After updating node-sass to version 4.9.0 from 4.8.3, everything worked perfectly.

Answer №1

It seems that your node-sass version may be outdated and not compatible with the CSS custom properties syntax.

I have successfully compiled your example code using Sassmeister without utilizing the css-vars mixin:

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