Adding a prefix to the imported CSS file

My React app, created with create-react-app, is designed to be integrated as a "widget" within other websites rather than functioning as a standalone application.

To achieve this, I provide website owners with minified JS and CSS files that they can insert into their webpages using

<script src="my-module.min.js">
<link href="my-module.min.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet">
. Upon calling a global function, the app's UI appears modally on top of the hosting website.

To prevent style conflicts, I ensure that my CSS classes are prefixed with a unique identifier for my module. For example, instead of using the class page-container, I would use my-module-123-page-container. This approach allows me to avoid overriding properties of similarly named classes on the hosting website.

However, a challenge arises when dealing with imported CSS files. If my app relies on a library like Material-UI, there may be generic class names defined in the stylesheets that I cannot easily prefix to maintain uniqueness.

I have considered two potential solutions:

  1. Separating the UI presentation by placing it within an iframe, ensuring complete isolation of styles from the hosting website.
  2. Modifying the dependency by renaming all classes and adjusting React components accordingly, although this approach may be complex and time-consuming.

Both options present drawbacks, and I am seeking guidance on alternate approaches. It seems like a common concern among products designed for embedding in external websites while maintaining distinct styling.

If you have any suggestions or insights, please share. Thank you!

Answer №1

Here is a solution for creating a unique name for a CSS class.

To achieve this, you can install the necessary packages using npm i css-loader style-loader -D. After that, you can configure your webpack.config.js as follows:

  loader: "css-loader",
    options: {
      modules: true,
      importLoaders: 1,
      localIdentName: "[name]_[local]_[hash:base64]",
      sourceMap: true,
      minimize: true
[name]_[local]_[hash:base64] represents different elements:

The localIdentName parameter allows you to customize the generated identification.

[name] will use the component's name, [local] represents the class/id name, and [hash:base64] generates a unique hash for each component's CSS.

You can find more information in the following post:

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