Leverage the calc() function within the makeStyles method

const useStyles = makeStyles((theme) => ({
  dialog: {
    '& .MuiTextField-root': {
      margin: theme.spacing(1),
  address: {
    width:"calc(24vw + 8px)"
 <TextField id="contact-tel" style={{width:'10vw'}} label="联系电话" inputRef={tellRef} margin='none' />
 <TextField id="contact-company" style={{width:'14vw'}} label="公司名称" inputRef={companyRef} margin='none' />
  <TextField id="contact-address" className={classes.address} label="收件地址" inputRef={addressRef} margin='none' />

I encountered the code displayed above, but unfortunately it's not working as expected. I'm unsure what the issue is - could it be that the combination of "vw + px" is not supported?

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