Employing Jquery for restricting checkbox selection based on parent HTML elements


I am looking to limit checkbox selection in specific sections on the same page. To prevent conflicting inputs from different sections, I believe using the label selector

<label data-addon-name="xxx">
as a separator is the best approach. Each section already has a unique label before the inputs, such as:
<label data-addon-name="Options">
<label data-addon-name="Meats">
, etc. Additionally, each section must have its own checkbox limits.

Here is the HTML code:


<div class="wc-pao-addon-container  wc-pao-addon wc-pao-addon-opcoes" data-product-name="Lunchbox">

                        <label for="addon-3913-opcoes-0" class="wc-pao-addon-name" data-addon-name="Options" data-has-per-person-pricing="" data-has-per-block-pricing="">Options </label>
                                <div class="wc-pao-addon-description"><p>Select up to 5</p>
    <p class="form-row form-row-wide wc-pao-addon-wrap wc-pao-addon-3913-opcoes-0-0">
        <label><input type="checkbox" class="wc-pao-addon-field wc-pao-addon-checkbox" name="addon-3913-opcoes-0[]" data-raw-price="" data-price="" data-price-type="quantity_based" value="rice" data-label="Rice"> Rice </label>

    <p class="form-row form-row-wide wc-pao-addon-wrap wc-pao-addon-3913-opcoes-0-1">
        <label><input type="checkbox" class="wc-pao-addon-field wc-pao-addon-checkbox" name="addon-3913-opcoes-0[]" data-raw-price="" data-price="" data-price-type="quantity_based" value="bean-broth" data-label="Bean Broth"> Bean Broth </label>

    ... (the rest of the HTML content)

            <input name="add-to-cart" type="hidden" value="3913"></form>


$("[data-addon-name='Options'] > input").change(function() {
  var max = 2;
  if ($("[data-addon-name='Options'] > input:checked").length == max) {
    $("[data-addon-name='Options'] > input").attr('disabled', 'disabled');
    $("[data-addon-name='Options'] > input:checked").removeAttr('disabled');
  } else {
    $("[data-addon-name='Options'] > input").removeAttr('disabled');

Another attempt was utilizing

input[name=addon-3913-opcoes-0[]] ...
since the name is consistent across all selectors, but it resulted in an error in the console. I'm unsure of the significance of [] at the end of the input name, although I suspect it denotes an array format without knowing how to handle it. Ideally, I prefer the first option with the parent selector for easier maintenance, yet I also seek understanding on how to adapt the script to accommodate [].

Thank you!

Answer №1

Your webpage contains only one label element with the data attribute data-addon-name. There are no descendant elements, particularly an input element descendant. As a result, your JavaScript code does not function correctly. The following revised JavaScript code may work better:

$("div:has([data-addon-name='Opções']) input").change(function() {
  var max = 2;
  if ($("div:has([data-addon-name='Opções']) input:checked").length == max) {
    $("div:has([data-addon-name='Opções']) input").attr('disabled', 'disabled');
    $("div:has([data-addon-name='Opções']) input:checked").removeAttr('disabled');
  } else {
    $("div:has([data-addon-name='Opções']) input").removeAttr('disabled');

var max = 2;
    var $inputs = $("div:has([data-addon-name='Opções']) input");
    $inputs.change(function() {
      if($inputs.filter(':checked').length == max) {
        $inputs.attr('disabled', 'disabled');
      } else {
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
    <div class="wc-pao-addon-container  wc-pao-addon wc-pao-addon-opcoes" data-product-name="Marmitex">

        <label for="addon-3913-opcoes-0" class="wc-pao-addon-name" data-addon-name="Opções" data-has-per-person-pricing="" data-has-per-block-pricing="">Opções </label>
        <div class="wc-pao-addon-description">
            <p>Escolha no máximo 5</p>

        <p class="form-row form-row-wide wc-pao-addon-wrap wc-pao-addon-3913-opcoes-0-0">
            <label><input type="checkbox" class="wc-pao-addon-field wc-pao-addon-checkbox" name="addon-3913-opcoes-0[]" data-raw-price="" data-price="" data-price-type="quantity_based" value="arroz" data-label="Arroz"> Arroz </label>

        <p class="form-row form-row-wide wc-pao-addon-wrap wc-pao-addon-3913-opcoes-0-1">
            <label><input type="checkbox" class="wc-pao-addon-field wc-pao-addon-checkbox" name="addon-3913-opcoes-0[]" data-raw-price="" data-price="" data-price-type="quantity_based" value="feijao-caldo" data-label="Feijão Caldo"> Feijão Caldo </label>

        (Add remaining checkbox inputs here)

        <div class="clear"></div>

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