Creating a unique tab spacing effect using HTML and CSS

I'm currently working on my personal website and I'm looking to create a tab-like effect (similar to word processors) for showcasing projects along with their descriptions. Here's an example layout:

ReallyLong NameProject     Project1 Description 
FooBar Project             Project2 Description

I've attempted to use a table with cell spacing set to 10px, but I only want the spacing to be applied on the right side of each cell. Unfortunately, I haven't come across any CSS examples that demonstrate how to achieve this specific spacing configuration. Is there a way to make it work?

I also attempted adding the following code in the CSS file, however, it didn't have the desired effect:

table {
padding-right: 10px;

Thank you in advance for any guidance or insights.

Answer №1

Forget about adding padding to the table itself, it won't work as expected. Instead, add the padding directly to the td elements within the table using this code:

table td {
    padding-right: 10px;

Answer №2

Consider adding padding to the td element instead of applying it to the entire table element.

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