switch the visibility of the p tag based on its content

It seems like solving this shouldn't be too challenging, but I'm still learning when it comes to Javascript or JQuery.


<p><span id="AddLine1Summary"></span>,</p>
<p><span id="AddLine2Summary"></span>,</p>
<p><span id="TownCitySummary"></span>,</p>
<p><span id="CountySummary"></span>,</p>
<p><span id="PostcodeSummary"></span></p>

Even when the Address Line 2 field is left blank, a value of "," remains. This results in the summary page displaying:

12 Bob Street,

I am working on removing the line

<p><span id="AddLine2Summary"></span>,</p>
completely when the Address Line 2 is empty. Currently, I have tried the following code:

$(document).ready(function () {

if ($('#AddLine2Summary:contains(",")').length == 1) {


The use of parent.hide is necessary to ensure that the entire <p> element is hidden, not just the <span>.

Answer №1

Instead of verifying the length of ",", another approach is to check for any text within a span with the ID AddLine2Summary. If the span is empty, you can then implement code to hide its parent element.

The revised code snippet would be:

if ($('#AddLine2Summary').is(':empty')) {

Answer №2

To start off, consider placing your HTML snippet within a designated container for easier selection:

<div class="location-container">
    <p><span id="AddressLine1"></span>,</p>
    <p><span id="AddressLine2"></span>,</p>
    <p><span id="CitySummary"></span>,</p>
    <p><span id="StateProvinceSummary"></span>,</p>
    <p><span id="ZipCodeSummary"></span></p>

Next, utilize jQuery to identify empty span elements within this container and hide their respective parent p tags.

$('.location-container span:empty').closest('p').hide();

Sample demonstration

This approach will apply across all vacant address fields, not solely focusing on #AddressLine2.

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