Troubleshooting Issues with jQuery Accordion Buttons

I have a nearly complete accordion that just needs some adjustments.


<h3><a href="" title="Open footer">Show</a></h3>

I need the

<h3><a href="" title="Open footer">Show</a></h3>
element to always remain at the top and change its text to Hide when clicked, toggling between SHOW/HIDE.

I am struggling to find a solution. The code can be found here:

Answer №1

Give this a shot:

$('footer').prev('h3').find('a').toggle(function() {
    var sb = $(this).parent().next('footer').slideDown(3200);
    $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: '+=' +'expanded-height') }, 3000);
    return false;
}, function() {
    var sb = $(this).parent().next('footer').slideUp(3200);
    return false;

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