The outerHeight of Elements measured in pixels

Is there a way to increase the outerHeight() function by adding extra pixels?

Let's say we have a variable storing the outerHeight of .pg-sect:

var $section = $('.pg-sect').outerHeight();

Now, if I want to add an additional 70px to the height we obtained, what would be the code for it?

var $section = $('.pg-sect').outerHeight() + 70px;

Here's another scenario:

If I want to check if the scroll area equals the .pg-sect area minus 100px before calculating the outerHeight, how can I find out this -100px value of the element's outerHeight?

Answer №1

const $block = $('.pg-sect').outerHeight();

//In this line of code, a value is being assigned without actually changing the element itself
const $block = $('.pg-sect').outerHeight() + 120;

If you want to make changes to the element:

const $block = $('.pg-sect').outerHeight() + 120;

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