Issue with CSS background images not resizing properly on iPad and iPhone devices

While my site's background image resizes nicely in Chrome and Safari using background-size: cover, I encountered an issue when testing it on an iPad or iPhone. The CSS background image appears to be extremely zoomed in, resulting in a horrible appearance. Despite searching for solutions on various platforms, I have not been able to find a fix for this problem.


<div class="background"> 


.background does not have a container and spans 100% width of the screen.


.background {
    background: url(css/img/strand.jpg) no-repeat center center fixed;
    -webkit-background-size: cover;
    -moz-background-size: cover;
    -o-background-size: cover;
    background-size: cover;

Answer №1

Dealing with a similar problem, I opted for SCROLL over FIXED.


Answer №2

It seems that the iPad's Safari browser is reducing the quality of images larger than 1024px. I attempted to switch from using fixed to scroll without success. Various other solutions I found online also did not help me.

To overcome this issue, I decided to divide my oversized 1600×1600 image into two separate images. By using two 1024px images instead, I was able to improve readability significantly.

This workaround might be beneficial for you as well.

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