Achieving Center Alignment for Material-UI's <Table> within a <div> using ReactJS

Currently, I am working with a Material-UI's <Table> embedded within a <div>. My goal is to center the <Table> while maintaining a fixed width. I want the table to remain centered in the browser, but if the browser window is minimized, I would like scroll bars to appear for viewing.

How can I achieve this - centering the <Table> with a fixed width inside a <div>, and ensuring that scrollbars appear when needed to maintain the fixed width of the <Table>? Thank you!

Below is my current setup:

      <TableBody style={{width: 1000}}>
          <TableRowColumn>Row 1</TableRowColumn>
          <TableRowColumn>Content 1</TableRowColumn>
          <TableRowColumn>Row 2</TableRowColumn>
          <TableRowColumn>Content 2</TableRowColumn>

I tried applying the following styling to the <div>:

style={{display: 'flex', alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'center}}
. This approach somewhat centered the elements, but when the browser was resized too small, there was some right-side padding covering up the table.

Answer №1

When you set the width to 100% in your style, the layout remains consistent even after minimizing the browser window.

  <TableBody style={{width: 100%}}>
      <TableRowColumn>Row 1</TableRowColumn>
      <TableRowColumn>Content 1</TableRowColumn>
      <TableRowColumn>Row 2</TableRowColumn>
      <TableRowColumn>Content 2</TableRowColumn>

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