What steps can I take to improve the design of this layout created using Twitter Bootstrap?

Currently, I am designing a sample form layout using Twitter Bootstrap. The form displays fields horizontally, with a link between each field. My goal is to have bullet points appear on the right side of the fields when the link is clicked. However, the alignment of these bullet points with the form on the left side is not satisfactory.

For reference, you can view an example here: http://jsfiddle.net/MgcDU/3643/

My Concerns:

  • I would like the bullets on the right side to be contained within the same grey box that surrounds the form. Having them in a separate grey box appears awkward since they are supplementary information for the form.
  • The spacing between fields One and Two is significantly larger due to the addition of a link. How can I ensure that the spacing remains consistent throughout?

Answer №1

Place the bullet points on the right side within your form container element, and there is excessive space being added to the <p> element - create a specific class to target it and decrease it using CSS.

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