Utilization of CSS with the symbols of greater than and asterisk

I've been experimenting with Sequence.js and finding it really impressive. There's one line of code that I'm having trouble understanding:

#sequence .seq-canvas > *  {...}

I discovered that the > symbol selects only direct descendants of a specific class. So, if it were written like this:


#sequence .seq-canvas > li   {color: red}

It would apply to all li elements directly under the .seq-canvas class. For example:


<div id="sequence">
<ul class="seq-canvas">
  <li>This text is red</li>
  <li>So is this one</li>
      <li>But what about this?</li>
      <li>And this?</li>
 <li>However, this one is also red</li>
</div> <!-- end sequence -->

... Are you following so far?

As for using * which targets all elements, it becomes confusing when combined with >. Here's an example:


#sequence .seq-canvas > *  {color: blue;}


<div id="sequence">
<ul class="seq-canvas">
  <li>This should be blue</li>
  <li>As well as this one</li>
      <li>But is this considered blue?</li>
 <li>This one must also be blue...</li>
 <li>What about <span>SPANS</span> - will they turn blue too?</li>
 <div>Or let's say I insert a div here (even though 
   I know it's incorrect), does this mean it'll turn blue?
</div> <!-- end sequence -->

Do you have any thoughts on this?

Answer №1

Your understanding is correct for them individually. When combined, it means all elements under the specified element (.seq-canvas in your example).

Here is a test. Notice that * alone will change the font size for everything, while > * will only change the color of the children of .seq-canvas:

#sequence .seq-canvas > *  {color: blue;}

* { font-size: 10px; }
<p>I'm outside</p>
<div id="sequence">
<ul class="seq-canvas">
  <li>This must be blue</li>
  <li>So is this</li>
      <li>But is this blue?</li>
 <li>This must also be blue...</li>
 <li>How about <span>SPANS</span> - will they be blue as well?</li>
 <div>Or let's say that I put a div in here (even 
   though I know it's not right), does this then 
   mean that this is blue?
<p>I'm also outside</p>

Important note: The color of the <span> in your example is the default black, not blue, because the > does not apply the blue color to it. The reason it appears in blue is because it inherits the color of the parent. Some CSS styles are inherited and some aren't. If your CSS is applying a style that isn't inherited, then the <span> will look different from its parent. Understanding that helps understand the meaning of > *. In your example, you only apply the color blue which is inherited, so simply specifying #sequence .seq-canvas without the > * will have the same effect visually. However, it only applies it to .seq-canvas and the children will inherit it, but visually it's the same. However, if you use a style that's not inherited, then you will see the difference between #sequence .seq-canvas and adding > *.

One style that is not inherited is the border. In the example below, I applied both color and border to #sequence .seq-canvas and #sequence2 .seq-canvas2 > *, so you can see that all children are blue in both cases (first one is inherited and second one is directly applied), but when it comes to the border, the first group of children don't have border because it's not applied to them and they don't inherit it, while the second group have borders because it was directly applied to them:

#sequence .seq-canvas  {color: blue; border: 1px solid green;}
#sequence2 .seq-canvas2 > * {color: blue; border: 1px solid green;}

* { font-size: 10px; }
<p>I'm outside</p>
<div id="sequence">
<ul class="seq-canvas">
  <li>This must be blue</li>
  <li>So is this</li>
      <li>But is this blue?</li>
 <li>This must also be blue...</li>
 <li>How about <span>SPANS</span> - will they be blue as well?</li>
 <div>Or let's say that I put a div in here (even 
   though I know it's not right), does this then 
   mean that this is blue?
<div id="sequence2">
<ul class="seq-canvas2">
  <li>This must be blue</li>
  <li>So is this</li>
      <li>But is this blue?</li>
 <li>This must also be blue...</li>
 <li>How about <span>SPANS</span> - will they be blue as well?</li>
 <div>Or let's say that I put a div in here (even 
   though I know it's not right), does this then 
   mean that this is blue?
<p>I'm also outside</p>

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