The significance of Z-index in Embedded Email Subscription Code

I am encountering an issue with a pop-up window I have created for visitors to sign up for our mailing list. The problem is that the CSS menu appears on top of the pop-up, despite setting the menu's z-index to 9999. How can I adjust the z-index in the code snippet below to ensure that the pop-up displays above all other elements?

This is the code provided by MailChimp:

    <script type="text/javascript" src="//" data-dojo-config="usePlainJson: true, isDebug: false"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">require(["mojo/signup-forms/Loader"], function(L) 

Answer №1

To receive a precise answer, it is essential to provide your HTML and CSS code. However, you can attempt the following steps:

Firstly, ensure that your popup overlay has a specific classname or ID. For instance:

<div id-"mailing-list-overlay">
    The mailing list form goes here...

Next, try inserting this CSS rule within your markup:

    #mailing-list-overlay {
        z-index: 10000 !important;

If this solution is successful, consider removing the '!important' tag and checking if it still functions correctly after clearing the browser cache upon reloading. You can then transfer the CSS rule to the appropriate stylesheet. If these methods do not resolve the issue, there may be another underlying problem such as the overlay not being in the same layer stack as the content it should cover. To further assist you, I would need to analyze a more comprehensive view of your HTML and CSS. Feel free to share your code on platforms like pastebin or jsfiddle for additional support.

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