Encountering an error while attempting to load the jQuery script: TypeError - $.fn.appear.run is not a

I have included an animation script for CSS in my markup, but I am encountering the following error:

TypeError: $.fn.appear.run is not a function

Does anyone know why this is happening and how I can resolve it?

 * CSS3 Animate it
 * Copyright (c) 2014 Jack McCourt
 * https://github.com/kriegar/css3-animate-it
 * Version: 0.1.0
 * I use the jQuery.appear plugin in this javascript file so here is a link to that too
 * https://github.com/morr/jquery.appear
 * I also use the jQuery.doTimeout plugin for the data-sequence functionality so here is a link back to them.
 * http://benalman.com/projects/jquery-dotimeout-plugin/

// JavaScript code goes here...

 * jQuery doTimeout: Like setTimeout, but better! - v1.0 - 3/3/2010
 * http://benalman.com/projects/jquery-dotimeout-plugin/
 * Copyright (c) 2010 "Cowboy" Ben Alman
 * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.
 * http://benalman.com/about/license/

(function($) {
   // Code goes here...

//CSS3 Animate-it
  // Click event handling

$(document.body).on('appear', '.animatedParent', function(e, $affected){
  // Appear event handling

 $(document.body).on('disappear', '.animatedParent', function(e, $affected) {
  // Disappear event handling

  // Function on window load

Answer №1

Have you implemented the "appear" jQuery plugin? If so, here's an example of how it should be structured:

$('.animatedParent').appear(function(e, $affected){
           var element = $(this).find('.animated');
           var parentElement = $(this);

         if(parentElement.attr('data-sequence') != undefined){

        var firstId = $(this).find('.animated:first').attr('data-id');
        var number = firstId;
        var lastId = $(this).find('.animated:last').attr('data-id');

        $(parentElement).find(".animated[data-id="+ number +"]").addClass('go');
        number ++;
        delay = Number(parentElement.attr('data-sequence'));

        $.doTimeout(delay, function(){
          $(parentElement).find(".animated[data-id="+ number +"]").addClass('go');
          if(number <= lastId){return true;}
      }else {

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