What causes the code following the </html> tag to be shifted in front of the </body> tag? Is there a noticeable improvement in performance

After exploring various Stack Overflow posts like this particular SO question, I came across an unconventional Google recommendation on CSS optimization. This recommendation suggested deferring CSS loading with markup that looked like this:

        <div class="blue">Hello, world!</div>
<noscript><link rel="stylesheet" href="small.css"></noscript>

This approach seemed puzzling due to its excessive nature, confusion, invalid HTML structure, and the claim of maintaining CSS rules application order through JavaScript, although no JavaScript was present in the example. This led me to wonder:

When examining their sample code output, all content following the </html> tag moved just before </body>. So the burning question is... WHY?

  1. What prompted this shift? It seems most major browsers automatically reposition any code after </html> prior to </body>. My search for documentation or standards on this matter yielded little results.

  2. Why would Google advocate for this method? Is there a tangible performance benefit to this practice? One might assume placing it before </body> initially would suffice. (and as BoltClock's insightful explanation suggests, is there concrete evidence supporting improved performance from this technique?)

This behavior was observed in IE11, Firefox 26, Chrome 32.x, and Windows Safari 5.1.7. The inspected HTML appeared as follows:

        <div class="blue">Hello, world!</div>
        <noscript><link rel="stylesheet" href="small.css"></noscript>

Inserting additional code post </html> rendered the same outcome.

This phenomenon evokes memories of other peculiar error-corrections, such as how browsers render <image> tags as <img> (reference)...

UPDATE: In my testing, I created this URL for NON-deferred CSS and also this URL for deferred CSS (based on my interpretation of the mentioned article)...

Answer №1

It's quite peculiar, isn't it? It's against the rules to include any elements after the closing </html> tag because the html element serves as the root of an HTML document.

  1. This is a scenario involving HTML rather than XHTML. Unlike in XHTML where errors would result in failure, browsers handling HTML will simply move anything located at the end of a document (excluding comments and whitespace) to the end of the body section and proceed as though everything is normal.

    Prior to the inception of HTML5, there were no established protocols for error correction in such circumstances due to the fact that having any elements beyond the root element was deemed invalid. With HTML5, almost all error handling scenarios are addressed in detail in section 8.2.5. Notably, if there is an unexpected token (not including DOCTYPE, comment, or </html>) during the "after body" or "after after body" insertion modes, the parser will switch to the "in body" mode to process the token, leading to its insertion into the body content per the respective insertion modes.

  2. While I cannot definitively explain why Google would endorse this practice, it could be inferred that Google values performance optimization over strict adherence to standards, especially in cases where noncompliant markup poses minimal disruption. This tendency towards risk-taking can also be observed in other facets of Google's operations, such as with Google Chrome.

    Your suggestion of placing the noscript and link elements just before the closing </body> tag aligns with how browsers and the HTML5 specification handle these situations. However, it should be noted that positioning a link element within a noscript element outside of the head section is technically not compliant with standard practices. Nevertheless, considerations like these often take a backseat to considerations of performance enhancement.

Answer №2

Simply put:

If we place any content after the closing </body> tag, it will automatically be moved inside the body section at the end. This is in accordance with HTML specifications, which dictate that all content must reside within the <body> tags. Thus, there should not be any empty spaces following </body>.

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