Using jQuery to apply CSS with relative percentage values (+=/-=/)

Today, I experimented with using relative values in jQuery's .css() function.

$block.css({'margin-left': '-=100%'});

This resulted in the following style for the div:

<div class="block" style="margin-left: -100px;">

I noticed that jQuery doesn't properly handle percentages, which led me to research the issue. According to the jQuery documentation:

Starting from jQuery 1.6, .css() supports relative values similar to .animate(). Relative values are strings beginning with += or -= to increment or decrement the current value.

A bug related to this has been reported here, but I find it a bit confusing and am unsure how to solve it.

Does anyone know how to modify this code:

$block.css({'margin-left': '-=100%'});

To achieve this result:

<div class="block" style="margin-left: -100%;">

And then progress to:

<div class="block" style="margin-left: -200%;">

And so forth... I understand that this can be accomplished using .animate(), but my goal is to avoid it and utilize pure CSS for hardware acceleration.

Answer №1

They're indicating that the current version is not functioning properly. The latest bug report shows a commit indicating that the issue will likely be resolved in an upcoming release, possibly v1.12 or v2.2.

In the interim, there are three possible solutions:

  1. You can utilize the animate function with a very short duration (in this example, using an inline-block and only 25% for illustrative purposes):

$(".block").animate({'margin-left': '-=25%'}, 10);
.block {
   border: 1px solid black;
   display: inline-block;
<div class="block">012345678901234567890123456789</div>
<script src=""></script>

  1. Refer to the commit and apply the patch to your jQuery library (or use the latest work-in-progress build).

  2. Determine the element's dimensions and adjust using pixels:

(function() {
        var $block = $(".block");
        $block.css('margin-left', -($block.width() * 0.75));
.block {
      border: 1px solid black;
      display: inline-block;
<div class="block">012345678901234567890123456789</div>
    <script src=""></script>

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