Animate with jQuery to swap the positions of two floating divs

Hello, I recently made some updates to the code by adding 2 divs of different sizes. I am trying to achieve a switching animation using CSS floats for these divs.

If you'd like to take a look at the current code, please visit -

jQuery(function () {
    jQuery('#switch').click(function () {
            left: jQuery("#two").offset().left - jQuery("#featured-top").offset().left
            right: jQuery("#two").offset().left - jQuery("#featured-top").offset().left

I'm wondering if there is a way for them to align to the right and left of the wrapper?

Thank you in advance!

Answer №1

Here is a code snippet for implementing transition animation on a switch:

$(function() {
   $('#switch').click(function() {

View the implementation in jsFiddle.

Remember to consider padding and margin options while using this code.

If you have a wrapper element, here's how you can modify the code:

$(function () {
   $('#switch').click(function () {
           left: $("#two").offset().left-$("#wrapper").offset().left
           right: $("#two").offset().left-$("#wrapper").offset().left

Answer №2

You can use this code snippet to achieve the desired effect:

$("#toggle").on("click", function () {
    $(".box").each(function () {
        var position = ($(this).css("position") == "absolute") ? "relative" : "absolute";
        $(this).css("position", position);

Check out this example

Example with added animations

Answer №3

Updating Float Values: There are various methods to accomplish this task. Explore JQuery's removeClass(...) and addClass(...) functions by visiting the official JQuery Website

Another option is to refer to the documentation for the css(...,...) method on the same website.

If you want to animate divs, follow the solution provided in this thread

Answer №4

To achieve a smooth animation effect, consider utilizing jQuery's .animate() function. It may require using dynamic values for the transition to appear seamless. Check out this simple animated example

$('#switch').on("click", function ()  { 
        right: '-=500',
      }, 5000, function() {})
        right: '+=500',
      }, 5000, function() {})

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