Changes in browser size will not affect the height

Is there a way to smoothly change the height of the navigation bar when resizing the browser? Currently, it snaps to the new height when the width goes below or above 1000px. Any suggestions?

nav.cust-navbar {
    -webkit-transition: height 2s;
    transition: height 2s;           

@media(max-width:1000px) {

    nav.cust-navbar {
        height: 94px;


Answer №1

In order to achieve a smooth transition effect for the navbar, it is important to specify its height as the initial value is set to auto. By setting a fixed or percentage-based height, you can create a seamless transition between different states.


nav.custom-navbar {
    height: 300px; // or height: 20%
    -webkit-transition: height 2s;
    transition: height 2s;

Answer №2

With Bootstrap, only two media queries are used for styling the navbar.

1) The first one is for screens less than 767px wide.

2) The second media query targets screens with a minimum width of 768px.

Within the second media query, which applies to screens larger than 768px, the CSS sets the height of the navbar to auto !important. This is done because the navbar-right element is floated to the right side of the navbar. As the browser window shrinks, the navbar-right element moves down automatically, causing the overall height of the navbar to adjust accordingly. To achieve a smooth transition effect during this resizing, it's recommended to specify a fixed height rather than using 'auto', which would result in no visible transition effect.

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