Adjustable DIV based on screen size

I am attempting to create a flexible div that will adjust its width and height proportionally based on the viewport size. However, in the example above, this method only seems to make the div expand horizontally without affecting the vertical height (which remains fixed). When I try to use percentage values for the height of my wrapper or main_content elements, the browser ignores them unless they are specified in pixels or ems. How can I resolve this issue? If I could set the height of my div with a percentage value, it should solve the problem, right?

<div class=".wrapper">
  <div id="main_content"></div>

   width: 80%;
   margin : 0 auto;

  width : 100%;
  height : 500px;

Answer №1


html, body {
    height: 100%;

Detailed Explanation:

The html and body elements serve as containers with heights that adjust according to the content within them. However, setting height: 100% for a wrapper element results in its height being based on the container's dimensions, excluding padding and margins. To address this issue, it is recommended to set the height of html relative to its parent element (the actual document), and then define the height of body relative to html. This approach allows the wrapper element to be sized as a percentage of the entire document's height.

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