After saving a rich field in Microsoft Sharepoint, I noticed that a new "External Class" was automatically added to my CSS

Although I am new to Sharepoint, I have experience in HTML and CSS. I recently created a mini HTML application that changes the pictures of hyperlinks on hover. It works perfectly when run on a normal browser outside of Sharepoint.

However, the issue arises when I try to embed the code in a rich field within Sharepoint. Despite working in "edit mode", the code does not function after saving. Additionally, Sharepoint generates an "ExternalClass" next to each of my CSS objects once saved. Could this be the reason why my code is not working after saving? What modifications is Sharepoint making to my HTML code? Is there a solution to this problem? Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.


            <style type="text/css">
                        // Remaining CSS code omitted for brevity
            <div id="map">
                        <a href=...>
                         // Remaining html code omitted for brevity   

After Saving in Sharepoint:

            <style unselectable="on">
AFC97320FBA74F4E88F2B1AD1F833E02 .ExternalClass #map {
                // Omitted CSS for other elements due to space constraints
<div id="map" unselectable="on">
                        <a title="Bremen" id="Bremen" href="/sites/00172/Lists/Calendar01/calendar.aspx">
                            // Omitted html code for other links for conciseness

Answer №1

When inputting HTML code directly into a Content Editor web part, SharePoint automatically sanitizes the code to prevent any conflicts or issues.

To keep your HTML/CSS/JavaScript unchanged in SharePoint, save it as a text or HTML file in a document library and then use the "content link" property of the Content Editor web part to embed the file without altering the original markup and code.

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