What is the process to discover, upload, and implement a custom font?

In my quest to locate and incorporate a font named neontubes, or if not available, a font called freestyle script, I have learned that I must obtain an src which is then included in my style.css file and subsequently designated in the styling rule like so: .div {font-family: foobar;}. My question now is where can I find a comprehensive list of all available fonts along with their corresponding src?

Answer №1

Organize and save the necessary font files in a designated folder. Within your style sheet, add the following:

@font-face {
  font-family: "foobar";
  src: url("specify the location of your font files") format("specify font format");

.div {font-family: foobar};

Utilizing Google Fonts can be done in two ways:

First method involves linking the URL in HTML and specifying the font family in your CSS file.

link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=*family-name*" rel="stylesheet"

Include the following in your CSS file:

font-family: *family-name-given-in-the-link*;

The second approach is to directly include the URL in your CSS file.

@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family= *family-name*');

Specify the following within the same CSS file:

font-family: *family-name-given-in-the-link*;

Answer №2

If you're looking for ways to add unique fonts to your webpage, one great option is to explore Google Fonts.

To easily incorporate fonts using links, you can simply link the desired font from Google in the <head> section :

    <link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Tangerine" rel="stylesheet">

Then, in your CSS, you would specify the font for your element like this:

YourClassHere {
    font-family: 'Tangerine', cursive;

If you prefer to include the font directly in your CSS code, you can use the @import attribute as shown below:

YourClassHere {
    @import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Tangerine');
    font-family: 'Tangerine', cursive;

For more detailed instructions on utilizing Google Fonts, refer to: https://developers.google.com/fonts/docs/getting_started

NOTE: If you want to download a font and use it locally for offline coding, there's another approach in CSS.

After downloading the font of your choice, place it in your project folder and update your CSS with the following steps:

  • Begin by defining the font using the @font-face attribute : @font-face { font-family: NameYourFontHere; src: url(TheNameOfTheFontYouDownloadedHere.woff); //Make sure to specify the font type at the end }

  • You can then use the font after declaring it as shown above :

    div { font-family: NameYourFontHere; }

Resources for understanding the @font-face rule : https://www.w3schools.com/cssref/css3_pr_font-face_rule.asp

Information on the @import rule : https://www.w3schools.com/cssref/pr_import_rule.asp

I hope this explanation proves helpful for your font styling needs.

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