Challenges with resizing floating divs

As a beginner in Web Development, I am tasked with creating a web portfolio for an assignment.

In my design layout, I have a navigation bar in a div floated left, and a content div floated right serving as an about me section containing paragraphs and lists.

However, when resizing the browser, the right-hand content div drops below at a certain size. I would like the text within the content div to compress into the div instead of dropping down?

Note that I need to achieve this using HTML/CSS only, as JavaScript solutions will be introduced later in the assignment.

I have replaced all personal info in the paragraphs with similar placeholder text.

If this sounds like a trivial question, please bear with me as my code may seem amateurish since I'm still learning.

Any assistance or guidance on how to keep the text compressed within the content div upon resizing would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

Instead of delving into the specifics of your example, the issue arises from mixing percentage widths with pixel padding. To ensure responsiveness when resizing the browser, stick to using percentages exclusively. This same principle applies to border widths; if the element's width is set in percentages, then its borders should be as well - unless specific styles are triggered by CSS media queries at a certain width. The rule also extends to margins: if an element's width is defined in percentages, so too should its margin.

Answer №2

To position the "text text text" div on the right side, add the following CSS to your styles:

#content-container {  display: inline-block; }

If you want to adjust the CSS based on screen size, you can utilize @media queries to set min/max-width and define a variable for display:

@media screen and (max-width: 800px) {
    div { background-color: red;}

@media screen and (min-width: 801px) {
    div { background-color: lime;}

In the examples above, when the screen width is 800px, the div elements will have a red background color, and if it's higher than that, they will be lime.

Essentially, you can use this technique to stack divs on top of each other or arrange them in any desired order. I believe this approach could be beneficial for your layout.

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