Utilizing the powerful combination of TailwindCSS and Next.js Image to achieve a full height display with

Trying to utilize the Next.js' <Image> component with the layout=fill setting, I created a relative div housing the Image tag. However, I am looking for a way to set the height based on the Image's height.

Came across this example, but the height is statically defined there. So, following that example, I attempted this script:

<div className="relative w-full h-full">

I also experimented with using h-full or max-h-full classes instead of the h- tags, but did not achieve success.

How can I dynamically determine the height of the image container?

Answer №1

After encountering the same issue, I managed to resolve it by thoroughly examining the element. The problem lies in how the Image component is displayed within the DOM.


Upon inspecting the Image component on the DOM, it became clear that there are 2 nested divs with the "img" element placed inside. To address this issue, focus on targeting the outermost div that encapsulates the img.

// To solve this, I introduced a new class: img-wrapper
<div className="relative w-full h-full   img-wrapper">

Adjust the styling in the CSS file as follows:

// Selecting the first div within img-wrapper
.img-wrapper > div {
 // Adjust the height as needed
  height: 100%;

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