Is there a way to refresh CSS styles when the window width is adjusted?

Is there a way to refresh CSS styles when the window width changes?

I attempted this method, but unfortunately it did not work as expected. A simple refresh (F5) helps to rectify the CSS tags.

    var windowWidth = $(window).width();
    var trigger = 1024;
    if (windowWidth < trigger) var smaller = true;
    else var bigger = true;

    $(window).resize(function() {
        if(windowWidth != $(window).width() &&
            ( ( smaller == true && $(window).width() > trigger ) ||
              ( bigger == true && $(window).width() < trigger )

Sample CSS Code

.example {
    display: block;
    padding: 12px;
    position: fixed;
    top: 0;
    width: 100%;
    z-index: 10;

@media screen and (min-width: 1024px) {

    .example {
        left: 80px;
        top: 80px;
        width: auto;
        padding: 8px;


The original CSS styles were altered by some JavaScript, hence I aim to reload the original ones when the window size shifts from either being smaller or larger than 1024px.

Answer №1

To achieve your desired functionality (which isn't very clear to me), you can integrate your code within a jQuery resize event.

Consider the following example:

$( window ).resize(function() {
  $( "body" ).prepend( "<div>" + $( window ).width() + "</div>" );

In general, it may be more efficient to utilize CSS media queries rather than using JavaScript or jQuery to alter CSS based on viewport width changes.

Answer №2

It actually functions correctly if the function is invoked with a delay


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