The fancybox's excess content is concealed

I've recently integrated fancybox 2 into my project and have encountered an issue when appending HTML content to the modal. I disabled scrolling, but now any overflowing content is being hidden. Could this be related to the max-height of the modal? How can I resolve this issue?

Here's a snippet of my code:

    openEffect  : 'none',
    closeEffect : 'none',
    'scrolling'   : 'no',
    'closeBtn' : true,
    afterLoad   : function() {

Answer №1

There are several possible reasons why this code is not working properly.

In order to provide a definite solution, more information is required. However, here are some potential causes:

Consider experimenting with the following parameters:

    openEffect  : 'none',
    closeEffect : 'none',
    'scrolling'   : 'no',

    'height' : 1000,           <--- Test these individually
    'autoHeight' : true,       <--- Test these individually
    'autoResize' : true,       <--- Test these individually
    'fitToView' : true,        <--- Test these individually

    'closeBtn' : true,
    afterLoad   : function() {

To see all available plugin options, refer to the official documentation:

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