Javascript menu toggle malfunctioning with sub-menus

I am in the process of creating a responsive menu for a complex website. The horizontal menu transitions into a vertical layout on smaller screens, with javascript used to toggle the sub-menu items open and closed when clicked. One issue I am facing is with the product section, which has another level of sub-menu that does not behave as expected – only the third level items close when clicked, not the parent item.

Below is the code snippet:

<nav id="navigation">
<ul id="nav-list"> 
    <li class="nav-list_item nav-about"><a href="....">About us</a>
        <div id="about-drop" class="dropdown">
    <li class="nav-list_item nav-products"><a href="....">Products</a>
        <div id="prod-drop" class="dropdown">
            <div id="subnav_products1" class='targetDiv'>
                <div class="drop-section">
                    <h5 class="nav-title">Purpose</h5>
                <div class="drop-section">
                    <h5 class="nav-title">Series</h5>

Here is the corresponding javascript:

if ($(window).width() <= 760) {

I suspect the issue arises from the fact that when the parent item (products) is clicked, the ul elements close as per the script, but the nested nav-title items (Purpose/Series) remain open and cannot be closed. I have been attempting to address this problem without success. Any suggestions on how to ensure that clicking on the title items closes the third-level menu while clicking on the parent item (Products) closes the title items?

Answer â„–1

Unfortunately, I am unable to troubleshoot your code since the example you provided is not functional. I recommend visiting Codepen to create a working demo where we can identify and address the issues.

Additionally, it is feasible to incorporate navigation using only CSS by utilizing hidden radio buttons or active states.

Answer â„–2

$('li.nav-list_item a, .nav-title').on('click', function(e){
    var el = $(this);
    el.parent().siblings().find('> .dropdown:visible, > ul:visible').toggle();
    el.parent().find('> .dropdown, > ul').toggle();
#nav-list .nav-list_item {
  display: block;
#nav-list .nav-list_item .dropdown{
  display: none;
#nav-list .nav-list_item .dropdown .drop-section ul {
<script src=""></script>
<nav id="navigation">
<ul id="nav-list"> 
    <li class="nav-list_item nav-about"><a href="#">About us</a>
        <div id="about-drop" class="dropdown">
    <li class="nav-list_item nav-products"><a href="#">Products</a>
        <div id="prod-drop" class="dropdown">
            <div id="subnav_products1" class='targetDiv'>
                <div class="drop-section">
                    <h5 class="nav-title">Purpose</h5>
                <div class="drop-section">
                    <h5 class="nav-title">Series</h5>

I have included the necessary code for navigation with dropdown menus. Feel free to make any modifications as needed for your project. If you need further assistance, please provide a Fiddle link for easier collaboration.

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