Using inline JavaScript to style an element when clicked

Looking for assistance with styling a link. I've connected an external stylesheet to my HTML file, so that part is all set. The goal is to modify the text-decoration when the onclick event occurs. Here's what I currently have:

<a class="dopelink" onclick="document.getElementsByTagName("link").style.textDecoration = "underline"" href="mylink.htm">MY Link</a>

Any insights on where I may be going astray?

Answer №1

<a class="dopelink" style="text-decoration:none" onmousedown="'underline'" href="mylink.htm">My link</a>

Ensure that your javascript uses single quotes instead of double quotes in order to match the HTML.

To maintain consistency, set the text decoration to 'none' as it is normally underlined by default but will change once clicked.

Incorporate 'this' into your inline javascript code rather than using 'document.getElementsByTagName'. This way, it can reference itself more effectively.

Opt for using 'onmousedown' over 'onclick' within your script.

Answer №2

Hopefully my explanation is clear, but if not I apologize :/

To add a :hover effect to an HTML tag, you can do something like this:

<a href="somewhere.html">Take me somewhere</a>

For example, let's say I want the color of this link to be red by default, and then change to blue with underline when hovered over. The CSS code for this would be:

a {
   color: #F00;

a:hover {
   color: #00F;
   text-decoration: underline;

Answer №3

Your previous code was not functioning correctly because the getElementsByTagName method returns multiple elements as an array object. To make it work, you need to iterate through each one of these elements. You can view a working example in this fiddle. I added a click event to remove text-decoration for clarity.

In the test function (triggered by onclick), you loop through all the a tags obtained using getElementsByTagName and set the text-decoration property accordingly.

function test(){
var links = document.getElementsByTagName("a");

for (var l = 0; l < links.length; l++){
  links[l].style.textDecoration ='none';

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