Activate a specific component of hover effect within multiple components generated by the `v-for` loop

Hey there! I'm currently facing a CSS challenge related to Vue. Let's say I want to display multiple components using v-for, and I want to add a hover effect to each component individually. The goal is to have the hover effect only apply to the component being hovered over, without affecting the other components. However, in my current implementation below, when I hover over one component, all components are affected. So, my question is how can I achieve the desired result?

<component v-for="(item, index) in items" :key="index">
  <div @mouseover="hover = true" @mouseleave="hover = false">
     <div v-if="hover" class="xx"> Hover Effect </div>
     <div v-else> Normal Effect </div>

Answer №1

To solve this issue, it is crucial to keep a record of the index or key of the element being hovered over and then clear it once you move away. You have the option to create two separate methods specifically for handling this task.

<component v-for="(item, index) in items" :key="index">
 <div @mouseover="hoveredIndex = index" @mouseleave="hoveredIndex = -1">
  <div v-if="hoveredIndex===index" class="xx"> Hover Effect </div>
    <div v-else> Normal Effect </div>

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