Using the .slider class on concealed div elements

Explaining this may be a bit tricky, but here we go... I have multiple hidden divs that switch with each other when a link is clicked using

  $('a').click(function () {
    var divname=;

I also have a slider function that works perfectly. However, when the div changes, the slider stops working. How can I make it target the hidden divs when they are displayed? Is it related to variables?

This is my slider code:

$(function() {
var scrollPane = $('#info'),
    scrollableHeight = scrollPane.height() - scrollPane.parent().height() || 0;

  orientation: "vertical",
  range: "max",
  min: 0,
  max: scrollableHeight,
  value: scrollableHeight,
  slide: function(event, ui) {
    scrollPane.css({top: ui.value - scrollableHeight});


To better understand, here is a link to a working example (please excuse the messy code):

Thank you in advance.

Answer №1

To ensure that all your sliding divs are included in the scroll functionality along with #info, it is recommended to assign them a shared class like class="info". Modify the code snippet as follows:

var scrollPane = $('.info'),
    scrollableHeight = scrollPane.height() - scrollPane.parent().height() || 0;

Additionally, remember to reset the slider to its default position when showing or hiding any of the divs:

  $('a').click(function () {
    var divname=;

    // Reset slider to top
    var max = $("#slider-vertical").slider("option", "max);
    $("#slider-vertical").slider("value", max);

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