Converting Apache POI Word documents to clean HTML stripping out styles and superfluous tags

I am currently working on converting Word documents to clean HTML. I have been using Apache POI, but it seems to create messy output similar to MS Word's own HTML saving method. What I really need is a solution like the one offered by . For instance, when converting a table, I prefer not to include any width properties or unnecessary elements, just simple <td> and <tr> tags with maybe some <b> formatting.

Can anyone suggest a better approach to achieve this? I am open to exploring alternative Java APIs for Word to HTML conversion, as I am not bound to using Apache POI.

Answer №1

Have you considered elevating a comment to an answer? An excellent tool for this task is Apache Tika, which is backed by Apache POI and is designed to generate clean and semantically meaningful HTML output.

To implement Apache Tika in parsing to XHTML, you can refer to the instructions provided in the Apache Tika documentation. Here is an example code snippet:

public String parseToHTML() throws IOException, SAXException, TikaException {
  ContentHandler handler = new ToXMLContentHandler();

  AutoDetectParser parser = new AutoDetectParser();
  Metadata metadata = new Metadata();
  try (InputStream stream = ContentHandlerExample.class.getResourceAsStream("test.doc")) {
    parser.parse(stream, handler, metadata);
    return handler.toString();

If you want to test the functionality, you can use the Tika App command line tool, specifying the --xhtml option along with your file to receive a simple and clean XHTML output.

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