Setting the maximum height for a tr or td element that is compatible with Chrome

Is there a way to set the max-height for a tr or td element that is specifically supported in Chrome?

Previously, an answer suggested at this link did not work for Chrome: How to fix height of TR?

Answer №1

After discovering the solution to my query, I have decided to share it here for anyone who might be interested:

<td><div style='overflow-y:scroll;max-height:70px;'>...</div></td>

However, a new question has arisen in my mind. Although I have applied this div element to a TD which seems to be quite large, I haven't done so for other TDs even though I could. My dilemma now is how do I go about determining the maximum height of the other TDs so that I can set the max-height of this particular TD accordingly?

Your assistance on this matter would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

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