Customizing styles in ZK based on theme

I am currently working on a ZK application that has been styled using CSS, specifically the colors from the Sapphire theme. My goal is to have environment-dependent themes - Sapphire for production and Breeze for stage. While I have successfully implemented this feature, I now need to adjust some of my custom CSS rules (primarily background-color) based on the selected theme.

Is there a straightforward way to achieve this? For example:

  • Creating theme-dependent CSS files
  • Using theme-dependent CSS selectors
  • Incorporating color constants from ZK themes into my CSS rules, or exploring other options?

Answer №1

If you want to determine the execution location of your Java project, simply use the

Library.setProperty("org.zkoss.theme.preferred", "custom");
method. Replace "custom" with the desired theme name to load it. This can be done within a WebAppInit listener or by implementing your own ThemeResolver for full control over theme selection.

To configure different files/rules per theme, ZK embeds the theme name in the page's body element. Therefore, defining rules like .themeName yourSelector{} will only apply to that specific theme.

.breeze .z-textbox{
 // apply to breeze theme only

For environment-specific values, consider checking VM arguments or setting configurations in server files (like Tomcat senEnv) or run commands for Spring Boot projects. Any Java-testable value is suitable for this purpose.

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