What specific CSS attribute changes when an element is faded out using jQuery's FadeOut method?

When we make an element fade in or out, which specific CSS property is being altered? Is it the visibility attribute, or the display property?

I am hoping to create a code snippet with an if statement condition that reads (in pseudo code):

if the div is visible, perform some action

For instance:

if ( $('#div').is(':visible') ) {
  do something;

...however, I am uncertain about exactly what has been changed within the CSS document.

Answer №1

fadeIn() gradually changes the opacity of an element from 0 to 1, revealing it if it was hidden initially.

After the animation is complete (default duration: 400ms), the display property will be switched to block.

fadeOut() works in the reverse manner, slowly fading out an element until its opacity reaches 0.

Answer №2

The transparency level.

You can experiment with it yourself as well. Try setting a long fadeOut (for example: 10 seconds), then open your browser console to monitor the changing values.

Insert the code below into your HTML document:


<div id="testItem"></div>


    display : block;
    width   : 100px;
    height  : 100px;
    background: #0AF;



Next, open the document in Chrome and right click on the newly created div element. Select "Inspect Element" from the menu that appears (the last option if your browser is in a different language). The Chrome console should open up and highlight the element.

Finally, click on the div element to observe what happens when you fade out or fade in an element.

Answer №3

My understanding is that this will alter the opacity attribute, rather than the display or visibility attributes. This should be compatible across different browsers, with -moz-opacity for Firefox and so on.


Answer №4

By invoking the fadeOut() function on an element, you can smoothly decrease its opacity from 1 to 0 and hide it by setting the display property to none. Conversely, when you use the fadeIn() method, the element fades in by changing the display property to block.

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