The KeyboardAvoidingView disrupts the structure of the flexbox layout

Check out this code snippet:

  return (
<KeyboardAvoidingView style={{ flex: 1 }} behavior="padding" enabled>
  <View style={style.flex1}>
    <View style={style.imageContainer}>
      <View style={style.blackOpacity} />
    <View style={style.contentContainer}>
      <View style={style.flex1}>
        <Text style={style.welcomeHeader}>{Strings.Welcome}</Text>
      <View style={style.fieldsContainer}>

              ? [style.loginBtn, style.itemContainer, style.disabled]
              : [style.loginBtn, style.itemContainer]
          onPress={() => submitLogin()}
          <Text style={style.loginBtnText}>{Strings.LoginBtn}</Text>

The following styles are applied:

const style = StyleSheet.create({
  flex1: {
    flex: 1,
  imageContainer: {
    flex: 1,
  image: {
    width: "100%",
    height: "100%",
  blackOpacity: {
    backgroundColor: "black",
    opacity: 0.6,
  contentContainer: {
    flex: 2,
    backgroundColor: Colors.opacityBlack,
    alignItems: "center",
  welcomeHeader: {
    fontFamily: getFontFamily("Heebo", "600"),
    textAlign: "right",
    fontSize: scaleFontSize(40),
    marginTop: verticalScale(10),
    color: Colors.white,
  fieldsContainer: {
    flex: 5,
    alignItems: "center",
    flexDirection: "column",
    justifyContent: "space-between",
  loginBtn: {
    justifyContent: "center",
    backgroundColor: Colors.submitPurple,
    marginBottom: verticalScale(120),
  disabled: {
    opacity: 0.5,
  loginBtnText: {
    fontFamily: getFontFamily("Heebo", "500"),
    fontSize: scaleFontSize(20),
    textAlign: "center",
  itemContainer: {
    width: horizontalScale(250),
    height: verticalScale(40),
    borderRadius: horizontalScale(20),

When the keyboard is closed, everything looks fine:

However, when I open the keyboard, it causes the input elements to be too close together and lose the spacing between each element:

Do you have any suggestions on how to maintain consistent spacing between elements even when the keyboard is open?

I've already tried changing the behavior property or nesting the KeyboardAvoidingView within the main View, but it didn't solve the issue. I also attempted wrapping everything in a ScrollView, but that altered the entire layout.

Answer №1

After some trial and error, I have finally discovered a working solution:

This particular code snippet

  return (
      behavior={Platform.OS === "ios" ? "padding" : "height"}
      style={{ flex: 1 }}
      <View style={style.flex1}>
        <View style={style.flex1}>
          <View style={style.blackOpacity} />
        <View style={style.contentContainer}>
          <Text style={style.welcomeHeader}>{Strings.Welcome}</Text>
            style={[style.input, style.itemContainer]}
            style={[style.input, style.itemContainer]}

                ? [style.loginBtn, style.itemContainer]
                : [style.loginBtn, style.itemContainer, style.disabled]
            onPress={() => submitLogin()}
            <Text style={style.loginBtnText}>{Strings.LoginBtn}</Text>

Incorporating this styling approach:

const style = StyleSheet.create({
  flex1: {
    flex: 1,
  image: {
    width: "100%",
    height: "100%",
  blackOpacity: {
    backgroundColor: "black",
    opacity: 0.6,
  contentContainer: {
    flex: 2,
    backgroundColor: Colors.opacityBlack,
    alignItems: "center",
    paddingBottom: 30,
  welcomeHeader: {
    fontFamily: getFontFamily("Heebo", "600"),
    textAlign: "right",
    fontSize: scaleFontSize(40),
    marginTop: verticalScale(10),
    color: Colors.white,
  loginBtn: {
    justifyContent: "center",
    backgroundColor: Colors.submitPurple,
  disabled: {
    opacity: 0.5,
  loginBtnText: {
    fontFamily: getFontFamily("Heebo", "500"),
    fontSize: scaleFontSize(20),
    textAlign: "center",
  itemContainer: {
    width: horizontalScale(250),
    height: verticalScale(40),
    borderRadius: horizontalScale(20),
    marginVertical: verticalScale(20),
  input: {
    textAlign: "right",
    fontFamily: getFontFamily("Heebo", "400"),
    fontSize: scaleFontSize(16),
    color: Colors.white,
    paddingVertical: verticalScale(15),
    paddingHorizontal: horizontalScale(20),
    borderWidth: 1,
    borderColor: Colors.opacityGray,

The visual presentation remains consistent while the functionality with the keyboard now performs exceptionally well.

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