Animate elements in Vue.js when navigating between pages is a great way to enhance user

I'm looking to add animation to a specific element once the route page finishes loading. This is not related to route page transitions. I've experimented with various methods, trying to animate a progress bar based on dynamic data values. I attempted using mount and destroyed methods to change classes, but it didn't seem to work. My goal is to pass a value from the data and have the progress bar animate accordingly when the page loads. check this image for reference

<div class="media-body">
     <div class="progress">
           <div class="progress-bar progress-bar-warning" v-bind:class="{rating: isAnimate}">

  .mybar {
    height: 5px;
    overflow: hidden;
    background-color: #C1C2C1;
    box-shadow: none;
  .myactivebar {
    background-color: #B01058;
    float: left;
    box-shadow: none;
    transition: width 1s ease;
    height: 100%;
    width: 40%;
.rating {

data() {
    return {
      isAnimate: false,
          title:'Vue Js',
          info:'progressive framework for building user interfaces.',

Answer №1

This is exactly what I was looking for. click here for image

Below is the solution that worked for me

@-moz-keyframes animate-bar {
    0%   { width: 0%; }

@-webkit-keyframes animate-bar {
    0%   { width: 0%; }

@-ms-keyframes animate-bar {
    0%   { width: 0%; }

@-o-keyframes animate-bar {
    0%   { width: 0%; }

@-keyframes animate-bar {
    0%   { width: 0%; }

.chart {
  background-color: #DADADA;
  height: 2px;
  position: relative;

.chart .bar {
  background-color: #3D98C6;
  height: 100%;
  -moz-animation: animate-bar 1.25s 1 linear;
  -webkit-animation: animate-bar 1.25s 1 linear;
  -ms-animation: animate-bar 1.25s 1 linear;
  -o-animation: animate-bar 1.25s 1 linear;
  animation: animate-bar 1.25s 1 linear;
<div class="chart">
   <div class="bar" style="width:60%;"></div>

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