What's the best approach when it comes to declaring CSS in an HTML document: should you

I have a quick question about HTML and CSS. Recently, I started using Twitter's Bootstrap framework and added this code snippet to the head of my index.html file:

<link href="css/bootstrap.css" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="css/style.css" rel="stylesheet"> <!-- Custom CSS Overwrite-->
<style type="text/css">
    html{overflow-y:scroll;} <!-- Fixes "page shift" issue -->

The bootstrap.css file contains the following styles for 'html':

html {
  font-size: 100%;
  -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%;
  -ms-text-size-adjust: 100%;

I'm wondering if the CSS declared in my html file appends or overwrites the existing html{} style from bootstrap.css. I hope it appends as overwriting could potentially cause issues in the future.

I prefer not to edit the bootstrap.css file directly because I've heard that it's best practice to avoid such edits for smoother upgrades in the future.

For those curious, the overflow-y:scroll property is used to always display a vertical scrollbar in the browser, regardless of whether there is scrollable content or not. This simple fix prevents the irritating "page shift" problem, providing an easy solution.

Answer №1

It will be attached to the end of it. (Unless Bootstrap has modified the overflow-y attribute of the html element.)

This is a common occurrence in CSS.

For example:

.foo {
    background-color: red;
.foo {
    color: green;

Is equivalent to:

.foo {
    background-color: red;
    color: green;

The exception occurs when you modify the same value, as CSS does not allow multiple values for properties.

I am unsure if Bootstrap includes an additional overflow-y property on the <html> tag. If it does, your page shifting issue css will override it. If not, it will be "appended" to it.

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