Error encountered when using Symfony 2 command line interface

Just started learning Symfony2 and encountered a problem. I made changes to my CSS and when I try to re-install them in Eclipse shell, I get this error message:

'C:\wamp\www\Symfony' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

I used this code line

C:\wamp\www\Symfony> php app/console/install

If anyone could offer some assistance, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you!

Answer №1

It's been a while since I last worked on Symfony2 development on Windows and fully used Eclipse, but here are some steps that might be helpful.

To begin, right-click on My Computer and navigate to properties > Advanced > Environment Variables > System Variables.

Within that window, locate "path" and click on the edit button. Move to the end of the "Variable Value" field and add the following value


NOTE: Make sure to substitute php7.2.X with the actual name of the php directory located under C:\wamp\bin\php\

After that, you can execute the following commands:

> cd C:\wamp\www\Symfony
> php app/console install

Answer №2

If you need to move files from the 'public' folder in your 'src/Vendor/SomeBundle' into the 'web/bundles' directory, you can use this command:

php app/console assets:install web

This command will handle the installation process for you.

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