showing sections that collapse next to each other

I am currently designing a portfolio website using HTML, CSS, and vanilla JavaScript. I have implemented collapsing sections that expand when clicked on. However, the buttons for these sections are stacked vertically and I want to place them side by side. Being new to these languages with just a month of experience, I am unsure how to achieve this layout.

document.querySelectorAll(".collapse__button").forEach(button =>{
    button.addEventListener("click", () =>{
        const collapseContent = button.nextElementSibling;
        if (button.classList.contains("collapse__button--active")){
   = collapseContent.scrollHeight + "px";

   = 0;


.collapse__button {
    /* display:  inline-block; */
    padding: 1em 2em ;
    background: var(--clr-dark);
    color: var(--clr-light);
    text-decoration: none;
    cursor: pointer;
    font-size: .8rem;
    text-transform: uppercase;
    letter-spacing: 2px;
    font-weight: var(--fw-bold);
    transition: transform 200ms ease-in-out;
    max-width: 200px;
    margin: 5em 5em;
    border: 8px var(--clr-accent);
    border-radius: 20px;

    transform: scale(1.1);
    background: var(--clr-accent);

      content: "\25be";
      float: right;
      transform: scale(1);

    overflow: hidden;
    max-height: 0;
    transition: max-height 0.2s;
    padding: 0 15px;


    content: "\25b4";

    text-align: center;
        <section class = "Title">
            <p> Title of Example</p>

            <div class = "collapse">
                <button class = "collapse__button"> Example 1 </button> 
                    <div class="collapse__content">
            <div class = "collapse">
                <button class = "collapse__button"> Example 2 </button> 
                    <div class="collapse__content">
                            more writing

Answer №1

If you prefer not to use Flexbox, you can achieve the desired layout using display:table.

The display:table property functions similar to an actual table; however, it is important to note that tables have semantic meaning and should not be used for purely layout purposes. For example, using tables for layout as shown below is considered poor practice:

.topbar {
  background-color: blue;
  width: 100%;
<table class="topbar">
<td>Site Name</td>
<td><label>Search: <input type="search" /></label></td>
While visually appearing like a top bar, screen readers may interpret it as a data table rather than a layout element.

document.querySelectorAll(".collapse__button").forEach(button => {
  button.addEventListener("click", () => {
    const collapseContent = button.nextElementSibling;
    if (button.classList.contains("collapse__button--active")) { = collapseContent.scrollHeight + "px";

    } else { = 0;


.collapse__button {
  /* display:  inline-block; */
  padding: 1em 2em;
  background: var(--clr-dark);
  color: var(--clr-light);
  text-decoration: none;
  cursor: pointer;
  font-size: .8rem;
  text-transform: uppercase;
  letter-spacing: 2px;
  font-weight: var(--fw-bold);
  transition: transform 200ms ease-in-out;
  max-width: 200px;
  margin: 5em 5em;
  border: 8px var(--clr-accent);
  border-radius: 20px;
#wrapper {
  display: table;
.container {
  display: table-row;
.collapse {
  display: table-cell;
.collapse__button:hover {
  transform: scale(1.1);
  background: var(--clr-accent);

.collapse__button::after {
  content: "\25be";
  float: right;
  transform: scale(1);

.collapse__content {
  overflow: hidden;
  max-height: 0;
  transition: max-height 0.2s;
  padding: 0 15px;

.collapse__button--active::after {
  content: "\25b4";

.Title {
  text-align: center;
<section class="Title">
  <p> Title of Example</p>
  <div id="wrapper">
    <div class="container">
      <div class="collapse">
        <button class="collapse__button"> Example 1 </button>
        <div class="collapse__content">

      <div class="collapse">
        <button class="collapse__button"> Example 2 </button>
        <div class="collapse__content">
            more writing

Answer №2

Consider creating a new div that encompasses both Example 1 and Example 2. Utilize FlexBox within this container to arrange them side by side.

My approach:

document.querySelectorAll(".collapse__button").forEach(button =>{
    button.addEventListener("click", () =>{
        const collapseContent = button.nextElementSibling;
        if (button.classList.contains("collapse__button--active")){
   = collapseContent.scrollHeight + "px";

   = 0;


.collapse__button {
    /* display:  inline-block; */
    padding: 1em 2em ;
    background: var(--clr-dark);
    color: var(--clr-light);
    text-decoration: none;
    cursor: pointer;
    font-size: .8rem;
    text-transform: uppercase;
    letter-spacing: 2px;
    font-weight: var(--fw-bold);
    transition: transform 200ms ease-in-out;
    max-width: 200px;
    margin: 5em 5em;
    border: 8px var(--clr-accent);
    border-radius: 20px;

    transform: scale(1.1);
    background: var(--clr-accent);

      content: "\25be";
      float: right;
      transform: scale(1);

    overflow: hidden;
    max-height: 0;
    transition: max-height 0.2s;
    padding: 0 15px;


    content: "\25b4";

    text-align: center;

  .container {
    display: flex;
    justify-content: center;
        <section class = "Title">
            <p> Title of Example</p>

            <div class="container">
            <div class = "collapse">
                <button class = "collapse__button"> Example 1 </button> 
                    <div class="collapse__content">
            <div class = "collapse">
                <button class = "collapse__button"> Example 2 </button> 
                    <div class="collapse__content">
                            more writing

Answer №3

 document.querySelectorAll(".collapse__button").forEach(button =>{
     button.addEventListener("click", () =>{
       const collapseContent = button.nextElementSibling;
      if (button.classList.contains("collapse__button--active")){
           = collapseContent.scrollHeight + "px";
           = 0;


        .collapse__button {
            /* display:  inline-block; */
            padding: 1em 2em ;
            background: var(--clr-dark);
            color: var(--clr-light);
            text-decoration: none;
            cursor: pointer;
            font-size: .8rem;
            text-transform: uppercase;
            letter-spacing: 2px;
            font-weight: var(--fw-bold);
            transition: transform 200ms ease-in-out;
            max-width: 200px;
            margin: 5em 5em;
            border: 8px var(--clr-accent);
            border-radius: 20px;

            transform: scale(1.1);
            background: var(--clr-accent);

              content: "\25be";
              float: right;
              transform: scale(1);

            overflow: hidden;
            max-height: 0;
            transition: max-height 0.2s;
            padding: 0 15px;


            content: "\25b4";

            text-align: center;

        .container {
        display: flex;
<section class = "Title">
<p> Title of Example</p>

        <div class="container">
            <div class = "collapse">
               <button class = "collapse__button"> Example 1                      </button> 
               <div class="collapse__content">
             <div class = "collapse">
                 <button class = "collapse__button"> Example 2 </button> 
            <div class="collapse__content">
                   more writing

You did a great job. Simply enclose your two collapsing sections within a div container and apply CSS flexbox to that container, as I have done for you in the code. The JavaScript section required no changes.

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