Ensuring IconButton is perfectly aligned with Text in one straight line

I want to display IconButtons alongside plain text in a single block of text, but the result didn't turn out as I had hoped. Here is what I attempted:


    <IconButton className="editBtn" size="small">
      <EditIcon style={{ fontSize: 25 }} />

    <IconButton className="deleteBtn" size="small">
      <DeleteIcon style={{ fontSize: 25 }} />



.deleteBtn {
    padding: 3vw !important;
    color: #e71f1f !important;
    width: 5vh;
    border: black;

.editBtn {
    padding: 3vw !important;
    color: #4ddd40 !important;
    width: 5vh;
    border: black;

Answer №1

If we don't have access to the components and context, troubleshooting can be challenging. However, this code example could provide some hints on a possible direction to explore.

.deleteBtn {
  padding: 32px;
  color: #e71f1f;
  border: black;

.editBtn {
  padding: 32px;
  color: #4ddd40;
  border: black;

.inline {
  display: inline-block;
  <button className="editBtn" size="small">
  <button className="deleteBtn" size="small">


  <h3 class="inline">Title</h3>
  <button className="editBtn" size="small">
  <button className="deleteBtn" size="small">

Answer №2

It seems like aligning buttons and headers on the same line is a bit tricky. To address this, I utilized the <span> tag as a workaround.

        <IconButton className="editBtn" size="small">
            <EditIcon style={{ fontSize: 25 }}/>

        <IconButton className="deleteBtn" size="small">
            <DeleteIcon style={{ fontSize: 25 }}/>

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