Is it just me or does my wrapper always hover above the bottom of the screen?

I have been working on coding a simple layout that I created last year. Most of the work is done, but I ran into an issue where the 'wrapper' div doesn't extend to the bottom of the page as expected. It almost looks like it has the "position: fixed" style applied to it, even though it doesn't. Additionally, I'm facing a problem with the Footer div not being positioned correctly at the bottom, right below the "topbar" div. I am quite puzzled by why the footer and wrapper divs are not functioning properly ;(

If you could take a look at the HTML/CSS code on my website using the link below, it would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

When elements are set to float, they do not take up any space in the layout. Since everything after your header is floating, there is nothing pushing the footer down to the bottom of the page. Instead, the floating elements simply "float" past the footer, causing it to appear higher on the page than intended.

To address this issue, you can add the following code to the style of your footer:

clear: both;

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