Refresh the current page with jQuery Mobile when it is clicked

I have a multi page template in jQuery Mobile. How can I refresh the current page when clicking on a hyperlink or button? I am using JQM version 1.4.5

Despite trying the code suggested in how to refresh(reload) page when click button in jQuery Mobile, it is not working as expected:

// Refresh the store main page - experimental
$(document).on('click', '#aStoreReload', function (event) {
    $.mobile.changePage(window.location.href, {
        allowSamePageTransition: true,
        transition: 'none',
        showLoadMsg: false,
        reload: true // also tried reloadPage: true

It is returning to the main page with the URL unchanged, such as

on the local server. However, JsBin displays a blank page while JSFiddle does nothing. Click on the store link to see the page with the refresh button.

What would be the proper way to refresh the page (view)?


I also attempted the following scripts on the click event:

$.mobile.changePage($("#storeMainPage"), { transition: 'slidedown' });
$(document).pagecontainer("load", "#storeMainPage", { reload: true });

The first line has no effect and the second line throws an error

Uncaught Error: cannot call methods on pagecontainer prior to initialization; attempted to call method 'load'
, which is expected as we are calling pagecontainer before its initialization.

Answer №1

Make sure to utilize the change method of the pagecontainer widget instead of load:

$(document).on("pagecreate","#storeMainPage", function(){ 
    $(document).on('click', '#aStoreReload', function (event) {
        $( ":mobile-pagecontainer" ).pagecontainer("change", "#storeMainPage", {  reload : true, allowSamePageTransition : true, transition : "none" });

By following this approach, the pageshow event will be triggered again.

Check out the latest version on FIDDLE

Answer №2

How about keeping it simple:


It's worth noting that the use of $.mobile.changePage is no longer recommended:

Important: has been deprecated since jQuery Mobile 1.4.0 and will be completely removed in version 1.5.0. It is recommended to use the change() method of the pagecontainer widget instead.


Answer №3

After following advice from @ezanker, I successfully managed to refresh the page with a button click. By adding a prefix to the page name in the hash, I was able to trigger a reload of the page and re-run all ajax functions within the pagebforeshow event.

Below is the code snippet that I utilized:

// Refresh the store main page - experimental
//$(document).on("pagecreate", "#storeMainPage", function () {
    $(document).on('click', '#aStoreReload', function (event) {
        $(":mobile-pagecontainer").pagecontainer("change", "main.html#storeMainPage", {
            reload: false,
            allowSamePageTransition: true,
            transition: "none"
        $('#storeMainDesc').text("Latest Store Updates"); // reset the text.

I made some modifications to the code, including adding a filename prefix and changing the reload: false attribute. When using reload: true, the previous page would load with the unchanged URL:

. Uncertain why this behavior occurs.

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