Expanding the header in Ionic 3 with a simple click event

I have successfully implemented an Expandable Header in Ionic 3 following a tutorial from Joshmorony. The header expands perfectly on scroll, as you can see in this GIF:

However, I am facing an issue where I want to expand the header on click instead of on scroll. Ideally, I would like the header to expand when clicking on a menu button.

The code snippet for my component is shown below:


  @Input('scrollArea') scrollArea: any;
  @Input('headerHeight') headerHeight: number;

  newHeaderHeight: any;


  ngAfterViewInit() {
    this.renderer.setElementStyle(this.element.nativeElement, 'height', this.headerHeight + 'px');
    this.scrollArea.ionScroll.subscribe((ev) => {

  resizeHeader(ev) {
    ev.domWrite(() => {
      this.newHeaderHeight = this.headerHeight - ev.scrollTop;
      if (this.newHeaderHeight < 0) {
        this.newHeaderHeight = 0;
      this.renderer.setElementStyle(this.element.nativeElement, 'height', this.newHeaderHeight + 'px');

And the way I call the component in my dashboard file:


<shrinking-segment-header [scrollArea]="myContent" headerHeight="190">
    {my content here}

If anyone knows how to modify the expandable header functionality to trigger on click instead of scroll, your assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Answer №1

If you want to expand your header to its initial height (which is stored in this.headerHeight), you can create a method to do so. I included the following code in the ShrinkingSegmentHeader class:

expandHeader() {
    this.renderer.setElementStyle(this.element.nativeElement, 'height', this.headerHeight + 'px');

To demonstrate, I added a button inside the ShrinkingSegmentHeader HTML that calls the above-mentioned method:

<button ion-button icon-only (click)="expandHeader()">
  <ion-icon name="beer"></ion-icon>

Keep in mind that while the button serves as a demonstration, implementing a way to trigger the method for expanding the header whenever needed will require some thought on your part. The provided links below may be beneficial depending on your specific use case:

  • Angular 4 execute function from another component
  • How to call another components function in angular2
  • Call child component method from parent class - Angular

It's important to note that the Angular renderer has been deprecated. It is now recommended to use Renderer2 instead.

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