Having trouble with the preview feature when resizing images

Before trying to implement the JSFiddle was working correctly: http://jsfiddle.net/qa9m7t33/

However, after attempting to implement it, I encountered some issues: http://jsfiddle.net/z1k538sm/

While trying to resize an image, I realized that this example might not have been suitable for my situation as I am new to this. I suspect the issue lies with the variable:

var width = e.target.result.width(); // Current image width
var height = e.target.result.height(); // Current image height

I am also struggling with centering text in the upload field.

Here is the updated version of the Fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/m5jLf259/

Answer №1

In order to resolve this issue, you can set the line-height using CSS for the specific element:

#file {
    line-height: 37px;

If you prefer to achieve this using jQuery, you can do the following:

$('#file').css('line-height', $('#file').height() + 'px');

Regarding the initial problem description, it seems a clear question was not provided.

Additional Tip: To address the initial concern, follow these steps:

var wrapper = $('<div/>').css({height:0,width:0,'overflow':'hidden'});
var fileInput = $(':file').wrap(wrapper);



function readURL(input) {
    if (input.files && input.files[0]) {
        var goUpload = true;
        var uploadFile = input.files[0];
        if (!(/\.(gif|jpg|jpeg|tiff|png)$/i).test(uploadFile.name)) {
            $('#file').effect( "shake" );
            $('#file').text('You must select an image file only');
            setTimeout(function() { $('#file').text('Choose file');},5000);
            goUpload = false;
        if (uploadFile.size > 2000000) { // 2mb
            //common.notifyError('Please upload a smaller image, max size is 2 MB');
            $('#file').text('Please upload a smaller image, max size is 2 MB');
            setTimeout(function() { $('#file').text('Choose file');},5000);
            goUpload = false;
        if (goUpload) {
            $('#file').text("Uploading "+uploadFile.name);
            var reader = new FileReader();
            reader.onload = function (e) {
                var img = new Image;
                img.onload = function() {
                    var maxWidth = 100; 
                    var maxHeight = 100; 
                    var ratio = 0; 
                    var width = this.width; 
                    var height = this.height; 

                    if (width > maxWidth) {
                        ratio = maxWidth / width; 
                        $('#blah').css("width", maxWidth); 
                        $('#blah').css("height", height * ratio); 
                        height = height * ratio; 

                    if (height > maxHeight) {
                        ratio = maxHeight / height; 
                        $('#blah').css("height", maxHeight); 
                        $('#blah').css("width", width * ratio); 
                        width = width * ratio; 
                    $('#blah').attr('src', this.src).show();

                img.src = reader.result;


It's advisable to avoid duplicate lines like:

 47           var width = uploadFile.width(); 
 48           var height = uploadFile.height(); 

since they negate the previous actions.

Additionally, utilize FileReader() in conjunction with creating an Image Object for optimal results.

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