Replace inline formatting with cascading styles

So, I'm currently working with a service provided by DRUPAL that has its own predefined style.

I attempted to use CSS with the !important tag to override the existing style, but unfortunately it doesn't seem to be effective. The default style from the service is quite basic, and all I want to do is change the background-color attribute.

    background-color: rgb(238,238,238) !important;

@media all and (max-width: 1920px){
        max-width: 40vw;

@media all and (max-width: 1023px){
        max-width: 80vw;

@media all and (max-width: 728px){
        max-width: 90vw;

@media all and (max-width: 567px){
        max-width: 90vw;

This code snippet shows what I've been trying to implement. It successfully changes the background color, however, there are certain parts of the HTML markup provided by the service where this style override is not being applied. It seems that inline styles may be causing the conflict.

Answer №1

To ensure that your CSS rule with !important is not overridden by others, make sure there is a subsequent rule with !important.

A helpful way to troubleshoot this issue is by using Chrome's web developer tools (press F12). By inspecting the element in question, you can view applied rules in the Computed tab and identify any overwritten styles. It's also possible that the selector specified was incorrect, causing the rule not to apply.

The inspector tool is a useful resource for debugging such conflicts.


Consider an instance where font-size:100% gets replaced by font-size:13px:

In the Computed tab, you'll find computed values like:

This section also displays all overwritten rules associated with a specific property after clicking on the arrow icon:

Answer №2

The example you shared seems to be accurate, as shown in this fiddle:

<div class="container">
Test Container

<div class="container fix-background">
Test Override

Based on my testing, the fix-background class effectively changes the background color.

If you are still experiencing issues, it might be due to another class overriding the background color. Could you share a demonstration website illustrating the problem you mentioned?

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