Modal window closed - back to the top of the page

I am struggling with a simple modal popup window that does not maintain the scroll position when closed, instead returning you to the top of the page. I am looking for a way to keep it at the same scroll position without much knowledge of Javascript.

You can find the page here:

This is the javascript code I have:


var appendthis =  ("<div class='modal-overlay js-modal-close'></div>");

  $('a[data-modal-id]').click(function(e) {
    $(".modal-overlay").fadeTo(1000, 1);
    var modalBox = $(this).attr('data-modal-id');

$(".js-modal-close, .modal-overlay").click(function() {
  $(".modal-box, .modal-overlay").fadeOut(500, function() {

$(window).resize(function() {
    top: ($(window).height() - $(".modal-box").outerHeight()) / 2,
    left: ($(window).width() - $(".modal-box").outerWidth()) / 2



Answer №1

To avoid the default behavior of the close link, you should also apply preventDefault on the open link:

$(".js-open-modal, .modal-overlay").click(function(e) {
  $(".modal-box, .modal-overlay").fadeOut(500, function() {

Answer №2

The reason for this issue is due to using href='#'

<a class="js-open-modal" href="#" data-modal-id="12" onclick="ga('send', 'event', 'PDF Download', 'Link Click', 'Q-Line 2.4m D Mould');"><div class="product-hover"></div></a>

To solve this problem, you can include the following JavaScript code:

$(".js-modal-close, .modal-overlay").click(function(e) {
   $(".modal-box, .modal-overlay").fadeOut(500, function() {

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