Paths to External Stylesheets

Imagine having a stylesheet

body {
    background-image: url('/images/background.jpg');

situated in the header section of a nearby document

    <link rel="StyleSheet" href="http://externalserver/stylesheet.css" type="text/css" />
<h1> This is just a test </h1>

Which image would be loaded first:-


Thank you

Answer №1

As far as I know, the paths in the CSS have always been relative to the CSS file's location. Therefore, it should load correctly.

Answer №2

When it comes to loading images in CSS files, the remote Server is the key player.

The choice of the remote server is crucial because the CSS file references background images using url('/images/bgimage.jpg');, which indicates the images folder located on the remote server relative to the directory of the CSS file.

If you wish to load the image from a local server instead, the correct syntax would be:


This points to the image stored within the local server.

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