Is there a distinction between the values 'normal' and 'stretch' in the CSS property known as 'align-content'?

When it comes to the CSS declaration 'align-content', the default value is 'normal'. But, there is also another option: 'stretch'. I have been having a hard time figuring out if there is any actual difference between the two. Is it possible that they are essentially the same thing, with one just being outdated?

To investigate further, I decided to tinker around with the Inspector tool in Chrome on a practice website that I created using HTML and CSS. Surprisingly, I found that toggling between 'normal' and 'stretch' had absolutely no impact on the overall appearance of the site.

Answer №1

Here are the definitions from MDN:

align-content: normal: Items are packed in their default position as if no align-content value was set

align-content: stretch: If the combined size of items along the cross axis is less than the alignment container size, any auto-sized items will have their size increased equally (not proportionally), ensuring the combined size exactly fills the alignment container along the cross axis.

It seems that in most cases, the 'normal' and 'stretch' values work similarly in browsers. The main difference is that with stretch, 'auto'-sized items will fill the container.

You can also find more information here and here on CSS_Tricks

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