`Set the body height to equal that of the entire document`

Currently facing an issue on the test page when scrolling down:

The body element is set to have a height of 100%, but it only takes up the viewport's height, not the entire document height.

The goal is for the page to always display at 100% of the document's height.

It is important that the document height is never less than the viewport height.

There should be no empty space at the top or bottom of the page.

I am unsure why it is currently limited to 100% viewport height only.

Can someone help me understand this?

Answer №1

Update the CSS for the body tag:

body {
    height: 100vh;

By setting the minimum height of the body to 100% of the viewport's height, you guarantee that it will always be at least as tall as the screen. Otherwise, its height will adjust based on the content within.

Answer №2

Set the height of both body and html to 100%, but do not apply this height to your main_wrapper element.

body, html{

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