Tips on expanding the content of a page all the way to the bottom of

Currently, I am facing an issue while working on a Joomla site where I am struggling to extend a page to the bottom of the screen. Attached is an image of the page: and below is the HTML code for the page:

<div id="free_trial_page">
  <div id="free_trial_container">
    <div id="free_title_block"><p id="free_title_text">Welcome to the <span class="hilite_text">Free</span>Introductory Course</p></div>
    <div id="free_title_block"><p id="free_title_text">ยินดีต้อนรับ สู่ คอร์สทดลองเรียน <span class="hilite_text">ฟรี</span>ไทย</p></div>
    <div id="free_item"  class="free_items">
        <p class="free_content_title"> We hope you will enjoy learning English in these pages</p>
         <p class="free_content_title">เราหวังว่าท่านจะสนุกกับการเรียนภาษาอังกฤษจากหน้าเหล่านี่</p>
        <p class="free_content">Please click thumbnails to see videos</p>
        <p class="welcome_vids">
          <span><a id="welcome_vids" href="index.php/sg-video-2"><img src="/templates/beez_20/images/ws_wst2.png" width="160" height="90"></a></span>        
        <p class="welcome_vids">
          <span><a id="welcome_vids" href="index.php/sg-video-2"><img src="/templates/beez_20/images/ws_wst2.png" width="160" height="90"></a></span>        

The challenge I'm facing is that there is no footer on the page. Despite setting min-height to 100% as advised online, this has not resolved the issue. I am unsure which div element should be targeted for this adjustment. As mentioned earlier, there is no footer present on the page. Any insights or recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

To ensure your div fits on the screen perfectly, try utilizing the vh unit for height. Simply set it to 100vh and watch it adjust accordingly.

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